Tribute to Marilyn Allen

Today is one of those markers in time.  For the last 7 and a half years, I have had the pleasure of working with and reporting to Marilyn Allen,  Executive Superintendent of Business and Financial Services at the WRDSB.  As Marilyn winds up her final day and prepares for stepping into retirement, it seems appropriate to share a few comments.

baseball hat

Over the years, there have been many hats worn: mentor, coach, cheer leader, planner, organizer, advisor, team builder, strategist, problem solver and friend.  All hats were worn with purpose, integrity and thoughtfulness.


                    The #selfie

I have appreciated the qualities you emphasized in our going work: up front and open conversations no matter what the challenge or topic, pro-activeness, no surprises and clear language.  On a personal note, I loved that no matter what was going on, you ended every meeting with a resounding “go forth and do your best work“.

ducks in a row

Marilyn, you have been the champion of “awesome” and “keeping our ducks in a row“.  Thanks for being  a great mentor, open to new ideas and believing in me!!!

You have much to celebrate.  I wish you a long, happy and healthy retirement!



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